2010-01-24 ? 08:59:33

Skrev detta på tumblr men orkar inte skriva om de på svenska så jag saxar de istället:

I’ve missed reading books and really enjoying it, I haven’t been this engrossed in a book in a long while. And believe me, it has nothing to do with the book. It’s reading. Honestly relaxing and disappearing into another universe, whatever universe it might be. One of the best forms of escapism.

Now to the part where you are going to hate me and ignore me forever, I’m going to talk about Twilight. But I’m not as bewitched by it as most people seem to be. So spare me the hate.

The first thing I noticed when I started reading was that the way she writes is very awkward, very..scrambled in some ways. It’s like she’s struggling to make it seem interesting and as if she’s squeezed in details and added bits and pieces here and there after finishing it and I don’t like it. Sure when getting further into the book the language gets into a better flow and more poetic (sometimes it felt like you where reading poems woven into the text) I’m not much for over romanticizing gibberish and it got to be a bit much sometimes.

Another thing I am very annoyed with is the obsession with his looks. I don’t care how good he looks, why do we need to read it 500 times over? Superficial, much? and it gets very annoying reading it over and over and over again, these elaborate descriptions of how every inch of his body is muscular or how he looks like a god or statue or..blah..blah..blah..this is also the reason I get the feeling a teenager wrote it and not a grown woman of however many years.

I don’t have all bad things to say about it, but what intrigues me the most is the rest of the Cullen family. I couldn’t care less about Bella, she’s a pessimist and if there weren’t some kind of mythical or magical twist in the book I would probably have burnt it. Except for the fact that she can’t stop describing how utterly gorgeous they all are, she portrays them all as interesting, 6 (well 7) distinct and very different from one another and very unique, personalities.

Since I bought all four of the books from a friend for cheap I might as well read them. After all, the first one wasn’t that bad when you get into it and I really need something to keep my mind occupied.


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